【Joker Driver】NEXUS18 HIGH LIMIT Scuderia MidRear 's Japan Review


8 Reviews

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I own a MR.

The polished finish and Joker's unique cut
The unique feel that fits comfortably in your hand
I think it is really great.
I think it is really wonderful.

The grip point is easy to find
The flight is also very good.
I think this barrel is easy to handle.

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It looks very easy to use.
It's a little expensive...but I'd like to try throwing it...^^^^.

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This barrel has a slightly backward center of gravity, and when the shaft and flight are attached, the center of gravity is close to the grip position.
The center of gravity is easy for anyone to handle, so if you are in doubt, this is a good choice.

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The price is certainly higher than other companies' barrels, but the JOKERDRIVER is different from other companies' barrels in the sense that you can feel it in your hand.

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I think you can't go wrong with JOKERDRIVER barrels. You won't find such a high quality product anywhere else.

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I have a Joker Driver Type-4 cut barrel, and from the pictures it looks like the cut is quite a bit rougher than the original Type-4.
(The original Type-4 barrel has a finer cut that gives the no-groove an anti-slip effect.)

Also, if you look closely at the micro-cuts, they are spiral-shaped.
Like the center of gravity, it seems to be very deep even if we only look at the cuts.

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It may be more expensive than other barrels, but I think it is a solid and very easy to fly darts for that reason.

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Looks like Yuji Eguchi's model barrel.
The micro-cut looks easy to throw!

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