【S4】ZEUS 2 's Japan Review

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I think they're great barrels!
I've been throwing for a while with the introductory tungsten barrel set I bought from S Darts, so this is practically the first barrel I picked out and bought myself!

First of all, it has a great release! It flies with a zdong!
Just by being conscious of releasing my fingers from the darts at the same time, the darts fly beautifully to the midline and my bull rate has increased significantly!
I've been playing darts for less than a month, but I was able to see B flights in about two weeks after I switched to this barrel!

As others have mentioned, I felt that this is a very good barrel for beginners to have as their first dart!

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I have been using Zeus 2 for a week now.
I am still a beginner, but it is difficult to adjust because it flies too fast without any effort at all >_<.
However, even I, a woman, can fly it smoothly and my form has been praised as beautiful, so I am glad I bought it.

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The cut is just right, so it is easy to throw without being hard to get away from or slipping.
Also, with a thickness of 7.1mm, it seems to have no problem with grouping.
And the front center of gravity makes it easy to fly, too!

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I'm still a terrible player, but I've had my eye on this for a while, so I bought it!
I've never really had a stable grip before, but this one has a grip that feels right, and a finger release that sticks straight away when I throw! The fine cut of the grip allows my fingers to come away from the grip in a good way.

I'm going to take this to the next level!

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I am a bit of a barrel enthusiast and have touched a lot of barrels, some over 10,000 and some cheap ones.
This barrel is one of the most impressive barrels among them.
When I threw it, I thought, "What's that? It's so easy...
I think anyone can easily get used to it... It's very straightforward and easy to use.
It has no quirks......it is like a royal road barrel.......
I think even beginners will be satisfied with this barrel.

I also use it often when I am not in good shape for some reason.
It always improves my performance.

I would like to buy it again because the cut is getting worn out, but I can't believe it's out of stock...
Please get them back in stock, S-Darts-san!

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I can recommend this barrel to everyone from beginners to advanced players.
Especially for beginners who are just starting to take darts seriously, or for those who have just started and can't fly their current barrels well.

I would like to raise the following points as reasons.
The basic Torpedo is easy for anyone to use.
The cut is long, so it is easy to find a grip that suits you.
The center of gravity is mid-front, so it flies well and is easy to control.
The cut is strong, so it is easy to fly without tightening the grip.
The overall length is 40mm, which can be used with a variety of grips.
The weight of 16.5g is the most standard weight, so it is easy to transition to a barrel that suits you better when you get used to it.

The impression I had when I was using this barrel was that it is easy to fly. The cut is tight, so it may be easily sharpened when grouping, but at my level of grouping, it will not be sharpened to the point where it needs to be replaced unless I throw it a lot....

The No.5 standard barrel is also available, and this barrel has a perfect front center of gravity, so it is easy to use for those who usually use only 4BA. The No. 5 standard is also available, and it has a perfect front center of gravity.

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I was curious and bought it because it has been talked about quite a bit.

When I threw it for the first time, I felt that it flew quite well with light force.
The cut is neither too strong nor too weak, and the feel of the rod as it leaves my hand when I throw it is quite pleasant.
It leaves my hand with a nice "slap".

It is easy to handle for beginners, and I think it will be a good fit for experts as well.
I highly recommend it!

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I started playing darts and bought my first barrel without really knowing what I was getting into and regretted it.
I immediately replaced it with this one based on reviews and other information.

As a result, I have not experienced any serious slumps or malfunctions, and my rating has been steadily increasing, so I am glad I bought this barrel.
However, I feel that this is not a barrel that I can continue to use forever.

I bought a repeat Zeus 2 as a matter of course, since the cut has been sharpened a lot.
I felt the cut was too tight on the new one.
I shaved a little off the cut and gradually got used to it, but the cut still bothered me.
I often feel uncomfortable when gripping it.

Next time I will buy a barrel without a cut, or one that is not too tight.

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I'm a beginner so I'm not sure, but it feels like it leaves my hand easily without feeling heavy.

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I have been using a set of 8 barrels sold in this store for 3980 yen, and even though I am still a beginner, I bought the Zeus 2.

I have not touched so many barrels because I am a beginner, but I think this barrel is very easy to handle for beginners because it has no quirks and the cut is deep, so it does not slip.
I am personally satisfied with this barrel.


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