Darts / 【TRiNiDAD】PRO Gomez Type9 Yuki Yamada Model 2BA
( 13 )
Category | Soft-tip Darts |
Maker | TRiNiDAD |
Materials | Tungsten 95% |
Shape | Straight |
Cut | Ring Cut , Steer cut( Step cut ) , Mulch Cut |
Length | 55.0mm |
Weight (barrel Only) | 22.7g |
Standard | 2BA |
Maximum Diameter | 6.5mm |
Center Of Gravity | Front |
Expected at JPY 155.60 for 1 USD.
This exchange rate is the closing price of yesterday ( 1/20 ).
The actual exchange rate will be determined when the order is paid.
Discontinued Model
Product information
The answer for Yuki Yamada.
The longest, heaviest, most front-heavy straight in TRiNiDAD history.
From the very beginning of his career as a professional darts player, Yuki Yamada had always had his eye on hard darts and had always said that he would eventually become a straight barrel player.
The time has finally come.
The weight and length of this straight barrel is designed to increase the grouping and stacking power of hard darts.
The back four ring cuts in the main grip section are stair-stepped for a stronger grip.
The front three ring cuts are where the belly of the forefinger touches the dart, and are slightly weaker than the above cuts.
The darts are placed in such a way that when the dart is released, the belly of the forefinger does not interfere with the dart, and the power is transmitted to the dart in a straightforward manner.
At first glance, the front cut looks like a simple ring cut, but this is also filled with Yuki Yamada's passion for the darts that he experienced in England.
A regular ring cut and a tapered ring cut are placed alternately, which makes it tightly intertwined and increases stacking power.
For those with a middle finger, it also assists in stabilizing the grip.
Straight 22.7g front center of gravity.
Forcefully wicks and groups the first and second darts.
This is the answer that Yuki Yamada has arrived at.
Material: 95% Tungsten
Maximum diameter:6.5mm
Barrel Weight:22.7g
Barrel x 3 (1 set)
Flight x 3 (1 set)
Shaft x 3 (1 set)
Tip x 3 (1 set)
The color and size of the included flights and tips may vary from the photo.
- ゴメスシリーズ初のストレートバレル。山田選手はプロになった当初から、バレルは最終的にストレートになると公言されていたようですが、なぜこのタイミングだったのでしょうか?
今までも、僕のモデルはソフトもハードも同じように投げたいという考えでデザインしてきましたが、もう最後はストレートしかないという判断に至りました。もちろん、ストレートにいきなりは移行できないので、ゴメス6あたりから、そのための準備をしていたんですよね。ようやくたどり着いたという感じです。 - 前作に対して、全長が10mm以上伸びました。
ユーザーの皆さんには、その“収まり具合”を感じてほしいですね。ティップに指をかけなくても、投げられます。また、コンドルティップ アルティメットが発売されたことで、ハードのポイントと長さがほぼ同じになり、セットアップした際の視界の変化も感じなくなりました。 - 重量アップについては、いかがでしょう?
- 重量の1.0g以上のアップというのは、過去に経験があるので、全く問題ないです。僕が重さにこだわる理由は、「重量感」が欲しいからなんですよね。1本1本、ボードに刺さる音に重みを持たせたかった——。本場のプレイヤーたちに、技術はこれからにしても、バレルの部分だけは追いつきたい、という気持ちが大きいと思います。
- 後方のグリップ部分に異なるカットが配置した意図を教えてください。
- 僕は、グリップする位置が限定されるバレルが苦手なので、カットの切り替わる部分で、持つ場所を知覚できるようにしました。また、シンプルなリングカットのみでは、かかりが強すぎるため、階段状のカットを入れることで緩和させました。また、以前までのようなマイクロカットではグリップ感が足りないと感じてきたので、カットを深く広くしました。
- 前方のリングカットは、前作では細かいカットでしたが、今作は幅が広くなりました。
平らなカットだけだと、そのまま弾かれてしまう可能性がありますが、釣りでいう“カエシ”のような形状にすることで、バレル同士が絡みつくようにしました。パッと見ただけでは、なかなか分からないことを、実はやっているんですよ。 - 今回の製作にあたって、特に苦労した点やこだわった点はありますか?
- 22.7gという重量を出すのが大変でした。長さに関して、僕からの特に指定はなくて、最初のプロトでは50mmだったのですが、21.1gまでしか出せなかったので、結果として55mmにしました。5mmの延長って、かなり長くなるイメージがあると思うのですが、実際に現物を見てみると「この差で投げ方変わるかな?」という程度にしか感じませんでした。自分の理想とする重さが出せるのであれば、5mmの延長は大歓迎でしたね。
- 今年から始まったPDC Asian Tourに参戦してみて、いかがですか?
- ハードダーツに慣れてるかどうかの差が、顕著にあらわれていると思います。ダブルまでの流れであったり、しっかり上がるスキルに関しては、外国選手に対してビハインドがあると感じています。自分が先攻のときに、ブレイクされないようにするのが、勝つためには絶対に必要ですね。ただ、大きな差があるとは思っていませんので、追い越せるように頑張ります。
- 今年の抱負を教えてください!
毎年の目標ですが、PERFECTで1位を獲ることです。それに加えて、PDC Asian Tourが始まりましたので、ワールドチャンピオンシップに参戦できるランキングに食い込むことですね。そのためには、最低1回は優勝が必要だと考えています。
Japan Review
13 Reviews
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It is a heavyweight long straight that did not seem to be possible. The cut is also quite good, and you can shoot through the board vigorously just by swinging your arm on your finger.
However, I wonder if the tip and soft board can't keep up with the weight of the barrel. I use a Condor Tip Ultimate, and it is popped and broken with great frequency. I gave it minus 1 star for that. You have to be prepared for wear and tear on the parts when using this barrel. It may just be lack of skill...
As Yamada said, this barrel is very close to a hard barrel, and I think those who use PDC's 2BA barrels will be able to smoothly transition to the Gomez 9. It can also be backed out nicely (although it will still be played).
Anyway, I would like everyone to try this barrel at least once.
17 people found this helpful
It is very easy to use and I like it.
However, the screw on the tip side seems a little strange. Maybe the shaft side as well.
I can install a Condor Tip Ultimate or Premium Rip Point, but it doesn't go in easily. It is quite heavy.
I could not install the Harrods Conversion Point Brass.
Other than that, I can highly recommend this barrel.
11 people found this helpful
I had been using only a standard Torpedo around 40mm for a long time, but when I changed to Gome 9, the flight was not so good and I often got bounced off the board, but after a month has passed since I started using it, I found it a nice barrel that is easy to aim at.
I personally like the fact that the grip can be completed with just the barrel and the length makes it easy to visualize the trajectory of the ball.
The cut is also good and the barrel does not slip out of your hand, so once you get used to it, I think it is a very easy barrel to throw.
10 people found this helpful
I used to use a straight barrel.
The barrel is longer and heavier than the barrel I used to use, but I don't feel that much discomfort, and now I feel that the length and weight are just right.
The cut is a little strong at first, but once you get used to it and can make it fly nicely, I think you can feel that you are improving. In fact, I was able to achieve my highest rating ever after switching to the Gomez 9.
It is a long and heavy straight barrel, so I think it is possible to improve my technique with this barrel, and I think it is possible to buy it and try to improve my level instead of thinking "I don't like it because it is long and heavy.
However, if you throw it a lot, the cut will be a little different compared to when you just bought it, so if you like a stronger cut, you may need to be a little careful.
9 people found this helpful
The weight and length, which I have never handled before, will break your heart at first.
If you throw it properly, it will fly straight. If you don't throw it properly, it won't go in. That's the hard part.
However, once you practice and get used to it, it will fly on its own because of its weight. The straight barrel makes for good grouping, and the rate of 180s and blacks has increased considerably.
The downside is that even with a carbon shaft, it will break in no time.
The tip is also made with a lip point, but due to its weight, it hangs even if it sticks, and it is deformed and breaks frequently. If you don't throw it properly, it won't stick to the board and often falls off, and the barrel will be cut and damaged quickly.
The cut is so strong that it hurts my finger at first because it is too tight, but I felt that the cut in the front wears out quickly, probably due to stacking.
I would recommend this barrel if you can afford to replace it in a couple of months.
9 people found this helpful
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