( 6 )
Category | Soft-tip Darts |
Maker | unicorn |
Materials | Tungsten 90% |
Shape | Straight |
Cut | Ring Cut |
Length | 50.0mm |
Weight (barrel Only) | 22.0g |
Standard | 2BA |
Maximum Diameter | 6.7mm |
Expected at JPY 155.60 for 1 USD.
This exchange rate is the closing price of yesterday ( 1/20 ).
The actual exchange rate will be determined when the order is paid.
Sold Out
Product information
Japan's best player, "THE NINJA" Seigo Asada's first barrel since moving to unicorn is finally here!
Unicorn's Maestro players are the most professional darts players in the world and are ranked among the top players in the world.
In order for them to reach even greater heights, they need the best weapons available.
The Maestro series is the barrel that they use.
Seigo Asada
Born in Osaka, Japan. His nickname is "THE NINJA".
From the 2000's to now, he has won many tournaments on the PERFECT Tour in Japan and won the annual ranking champion.
Since January 2018, he has been a member of Maestro Player of unicorn.
Material:90% tungsten
Maximum Diameter:6.7mm
Barrel Weight:22.0g(Single)
Model used by Seigo Asada
Pre-set Barrel: 3pcs (including shaft, flight and tip)
Barrel match weight: ±0.1g
ULTRAFLY Flight: PLUS 3pcs / BIG WING 6pcs
Gripper3 Mirage Shaft:3pcs.
Gripper3 Red Shaft:3pcs.
- なぜストレートバレルを採用したのでしょうか?
- きっかけは、海外選手の多くがストレートバレルを使っているから、という興味からです。僕にとって初めての試みで、まず「どういったものが自分に合うのか」という、スタートの段階でかなり時間がかかりました。実際に使ってみると、トルピードでは限界だと思ってものが、ストレートでならまだ伸びしろがあると、非常に大きな可能性を感じましたね。
- 全長50.0mm、最大径6.7mm、重量22.0gというスペックをチョイスした理由を教えてください。
最大径に関しては、太さ違いのプロトタイプを作って頂いたのですが、その中で一番しっくり来たのが6.7mmでした。スペックだけを聞くと細いとお思いになる方も多いかもしれませんが、グリップ部分も6.7mmなので、持ってみると意外と太く感じるはずです。トルピードのグリップ部分は、もっと径が細い場合もありますからね。重量については、プロダーツの規定がありますので、シャフト・フライト・チップをセッティングしてもクリアできるように設定してあります。 - リングカットにハの字カットが入っています。使い心地はいかがですか?
ちなみに、ハの字カットは切削の工程が多く、コストもかかっています。しかし、僕のこだわりをユニコーンが理解をしてくれた結果、本当に満足できるバレルを作ることができました。だから、皆さんにも自信をもってオススメします。 - ノワール、ピューリスト、シルバースターのそれぞれの押しポイントを教えてください。
シルバースターは、形状とタングステン含有量が他のシリーズと異なります。マエストロよりも太くカットも強いので、トルピードからストレートへの移行を考えている方にはぜひ使って頂きたいです。 - ワールドカップオブダーツでは大活躍でした。感想を教えてください。
また、試合中に村松選手が「大丈夫、あと2ラウンド絶対に回ってくるから見とけよ!」とか、そういった言葉でリラックスさせてくれました。僕はどちらかというと「次は絶対に入れます!」と追い込んでしまうタイプなんです。でも、経験豊富な村松選手がペアだったおかげで、すごく噛み合ったダーツができたと思います。 - 2018年シーズンのPERFECTも折り返し地点を過ぎました。調子はいかがですか?
世界的なメーカーに所属したことで、国外の方からも応援して頂けるようになりました。当然“一流”としてのプレイが求められますし、プレッシャーを感じることもありますが、一方で自分が活躍して、もっとユニコーンを色んな方に知ってもらいたい、という気持ちの方が今は強いですね。 - 浅田プロは前人未到のPERFECT3連覇を達成しています。強さの秘訣はどこにあるのでしょうか?
メンテナンスも大事だとは思いますが、僕は毎日ダーツを休まず投げています。「どうしたらうまくいくかな?良くなるかな?」と日々考えながらプレイしているので、調子の維持もしやすいですし、良いものが見つかったときにも取り入れやすいです。なにか特別なことをしているわけではありません。質問に対しての答えを強いて出すとすれば、「それだけダーツを投げている」ということなのかもしれません。 - それでは、最後に今年の抱負・ファンの方へのメッセージをお願いします!
まず、2018年のPERFECTで年間チャンピオンを獲ることです。これは絶対に達成しなければいけないミッションです。そして、PDCワールドチャンピオンシップに出場をすることです。(※台湾ツアー終了時点で出場確定) この2つを追っかけているので、スケジュールが過密な状態なのですが、うまく両立させていきたいと思っています。
Japan Review
6 Reviews
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My impressions after using it for a while
First of all, it's tough! If it were not for the system that takes a firm cut, I think I would drop it on takeback.
Well, when I play CUP, I always drop it at least once.
The screw holes are unicorns.
There are a lot of barrels with similar specs for less than this price, so this is a believer's product!
I don't need it anymore, so I'll give it to my friend who wants it at the asking price.
I can't use it because it's too thick, the screw holes are too tight, and it's too messy.
I'm sorry I cheated on you, Butterfly.
35 people found this helpful
I was finally able to purchase it when it was restocked and threw it in for about 10 days.
I think that straight barrels are generally considered to be for advanced users.
The first impression I had when I first touched it was that it was quite unique and that it might not fit well with the player. As some others have written, the weight setting is unfamiliar to soft players, and I think I felt this way because of the appearance of this cut.
Since that impression is quite strong, I was also uneasy at first, but as I threw it, I got used to the weight, felt less uncomfortable with the cut, and began to understand how to fly this barrel.
As you can see from Asada's throw, there is no need to exert any effort at all to make it fly. Just swing your arm to take advantage of the weight of the barrel, and it flies very beautifully. I also realized that the feeling of the cut transmitted to the fingers is very important in this series of movements.
I can feel the difference in each release (timing) at my fingertips. I don't know the details of how the cut is manufactured or how it functions, but perhaps because of this cut, I can judge whether the throw is good or bad at the moment of release. From there, I can think about how I should touch my fingers and release to get the throw I want, and practice memorizing it in my body, which I see as a guideline for my progress.
Now, after 10 days, my initial impression that "it fits me clearly" has been reinforced, and I have come to the conclusion that "it fits tremendously for those who are good at it.
It is very easy and natural to throw for a long time, and I personally am so addicted to it that I cannot move on to other barrels.......................
25 people found this helpful
Easy to throw.
Even though it is straight, it flies as powerfully as a torpedo.
Flying means that no extra force is needed, and it is difficult to exert force.
It flies very well even when I relax, so I have much less effort.
I am glad I bought it because the less force I have to exert, the better my throw reproduction rate is.
Not only does it fly well, but it also has the control that only a straight ball can have.
As for the cut, it is just as it says: it is just the right amount of force and just the right amount of pull out.
I thought this is what "moderately" means.
I really want to give it a 5, but the price is too high.
I really want to give it a 5, but the price is too high.
Well, I'll repeat even if I'm out of money. !!!!
23 people found this helpful
Here are my impressions after test pitching.
I think the barrel itself is good.
The thickness, cut, and weight combined
I can draw my ideal parabolic line.
I can draw my ideal parabola.
However, the accessories are all things I don't need.
Pewrist is pewrist and expensive.
You can buy a model with similar specs and 95% tungsten for 10,800 yen.
If it costs a few thousand yen more than even an expensive Target coated barrel, I could not think of buying it.
The combination of this cut and specs is attractive, though.
It's been out of stock for a long time, and it's selling well, so I guess it will continue to be this price.
22 people found this helpful
The maximum diameter is 6.7mm, but I felt it was thicker than the number.
For those who roll and release the barrel with their fingers, like the Asada pros, this is the best barrel in terms of both take-off and release.
I would like to note that this barrel does not have the straight release feel that is unique to straight barrels. The concept of this barrel is to pull it out while rotating it, so if you are the type of person who releases it smoothly, it is easy to get caught in the lateral direction due to the thickness of the barrel, which can lead to a lost throw.
Well, I am well aware that I have a problem with my own release, but I personally felt that the pull-off feeling is not that good, since I have never had it get stuck with other straightening tools.
If you do not want to apply rotation, please be sure to test throw it before properly determining whether it is suitable for you or not.
It is quite suitable for throwers who can transmit power properly.
As for the weight, I thought this much weight is clearly unnecessary for soft darts.
If you usually throw hard or super heavy soft darts barrels, you will be fine, but if you throw average weight darts, it will be a little too heavy for you.
I think it would be better to consider purchasing it after taking your time to try it out.
I like this barrel because it is quite sharp in both design and function.
I regret that I did not have enough skill to handle it.
I have written about this barrel for a long time, but I really think that you should decide whether you want to buy it or not after you have done a lot of trial throws.
What? Why did I buy it?
Because I'm a fan, lol.
20 people found this helpful
Seigo Asada Model Items
DARTSLIVE PLAYER GOODS 5th Seigo AsadaJPY 5,000 ( USD 32.13 )
DartsCase CAPACITY Seigo Asada ModelJPY 3,300 ( USD 21.20 )
Seigo Asada Model ver.6 Rocket Clear BlackJPY 880 ( USD 5.65 )
Seigo Asada Model ver.6 Shape MIXJPY 880 ( USD 5.65 )
EZ Seigo Asada Model 2024 SUPER DARTS CHAMPION Shape BlackJPY 880 ( USD 5.65 )
DARTS Ranking
Uta Kaori Miura Model Blue 2BA 18gJPY 12,100 ( USD 77.75 )
EMPRECHU5 Yukie Sakaguchi Model S-DARTS LimitedJPY 15,950 ( USD 102.49 )
set0201 JPY 999 ( USD 6.42 )
SOLO GENERATION-8 KEITA ONO MODEL S-DARTS Limited Edition 210435JPY 15,800 ( USD 101.54 )
RICARDO LOPEZ Seigo Asada Model S-DARTS Limited 2BAJPY 14,800 ( USD 95.11 )
Zeus IV GravityJPY 11,000 ( USD 70.68 )