BOOK & DVD & GAMECARD / Scool Of Darts
( 26 )


Category Dvd
Maker School Of Darts
Genre How To
Book & Dvd & Gamecard Dvd
Scool Of Darts
Expected:USD 59.48

Expected at JPY 150.66 for 1 USD.

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Product information

DVD Scool Of Darts
The vast amount of skill, knowledge and experience that KTM.
KTM.'s vast skills, knowledge and experience are all essential for any player who wants to improve their darts.

KDP" and "Scool Of Darts" to teach and improve their skills.
KTM. also holds darts lessons all over Japan as "Scool Of Darts" and has taught more than 10,000 darts forms.

He has repeatedly researched what the ideal form is.

The culmination of his valuable knowledge, experience, and technical theory is now available to all darts players!

Message ◆KTM.
If there are 100 people, there are 100 different forms, and all of them are correct.
However, the form with the highest reproduction rate
I'm sure you'll be able to find something that works for you... KTM.

Explanation from the manufacturer
In December 2005, KTM.'s teaching methods and theories, which were previously only available to top players, were introduced to the world.
KTM.'s teaching methods and theories, which were previously only available to top players, were introduced in December 2005 under the name of Scool Of Darts (formerly known as KDP.).
In December 2005, KTM's teaching methods and theories, which were previously only available to top players, were launched nationwide on the social networking service (SNS) with over 12,500 community members.

His darts theory, based on his experience of checking and advising the forms of over 10,000 people in various parts of the country, spread by word of mouth from top players who are currently active in the game, and quickly became a nationwide phenomenon.

This DVD covers all aspects of the KTM. theory, from the gentle stuff to the core theory explanations for top players.

For the past five years, many darts players have been asking for a DVD of the Scool Of Darts, and now it's finally here!

Japan Review


26 Reviews

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KTM. focuses on the "logic" and "theory" part of throwing darts, and explains the basics of the game in this DVD.

I bought this DVD when I was still in B flight. At the time, I tried to adopt only the upper part of the shapes introduced in the DVD (e.g., elbow up, radius pointing to the target, etc.), but it didn't work at all, and I stopped watching it and put it in the back of the shelf, saying "this is useless" or "not for me.

After a while, when I became an AA flight player, I had some doubts about my darts game again, and I casually looked back at this DVD. I realized that I had not understood anything about the essence of what this DVD was saying even though I had watched it before.

This DVD contains "hints for solutions and improvements" to the questions and problems I had in my daily life when I looked at my own form, throwing style, and sensations. And often, they are not direct remedies. If you just try to imitate the form as it is, thinking, "If I do it this way, it will work," as I did in the past, it may not work.

I am sure there are many opinions out there, but I think this DVD is a collection of tips to help you get the hang of things in your own way, even though it also covers the tips themselves. In that sense, I think this DVD can be received by people of all levels in a way that suits their level.

Also, I think it is dangerous to take the attitude that "This is absolutely right, and if only I can master this, I should be able to do well, so let's take it all in! I think that attitude is also dangerous, and I don't think KTM. is looking for that.

25 people found this helpful


I'm not saying that everything that Mr. KTM.
I've never learned to play darts from anyone.
I would like you to watch this DVD if you have never learned darts from anyone.

You go to a place to throw darts.
"I can't get a good rating."
I think a lot of people who say that
who are amateurs when it comes to watching their form.
I'm an amateur when it comes to form.
"There's no way I'm going to get in with the way I'm throwing.
I'm an amateur at looking at form, but many of them are throwing with a form that makes me think, "There's no way I can get in.

They practice for years in a self-styled way.
or before you get good at darts and start to dislike darts.
I hope you will resist going to a darts bar for a few times and buy this DVD.
I hope you will purchase this DVD and honestly accept what you are doing wrong.
I hope you will accept what is wrong with this DVD.

For those of you who have reached a certain level
I recommend that you watch this DVD once for review and as an answer to what you have done.
I recommend you to watch it once for review and to check your answers.

14 people found this helpful


KTM. is filled with a variety of knowledge. He takes knowledge, thinks about it, applies it and utilizes it.
Movements, parts of the body, darts theory and mentality applied to golf theory.
motel darts, etc., and it can be informative and comical to watch.
famous players appear, and so on.
They teach in a fun way without boring you.

Some of them say that elbows up doesn't suit them.
I probably only get half of the content.
Some of it is hard to understand just by looking at the dvd, and many will find that it doesn't fit for those who have a completely different way of moving.

The content is so dense that you will notice different things when you review and watch it again when you have more knowledge of your own.
Look at it again and again at different times and take in as much good as you can!
I recommend it to anyone who wants to form or rethink tips and ideas.

13 people found this helpful


I watch it when I'm having trouble with form, throws, grips, etc. and it solves it!
It's a bible of sorts, with various exercises and Twitter follow-ups.
It is not a forced DVD that says 'you have to do it', so if you watch the necessary parts chapter by chapter, your questions will be answered.

The content is worth the money, or even more than that.

12 people found this helpful


It's pricey, but beginners can use it to build their form from the basics.
Advanced players can use it to check their form when they are not sure about it.
This is a "HOW TO" DVD that can be viewed by people of all levels. DVD for all levels.
Beginners may find some parts of the DVD difficult to understand.
But as you throw the form, you will be able to understand. I think you will be able to understand it as you pitch.

11 people found this helpful