set0211 's Japan Review
Ordering and shipping was fast!
There are many different parts, so I'm sure I'll be able to find the right darts for me!
I really recommend you to buy this set first if you are in doubt!
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If you are a beginner and not sure what to buy, I think this is the one.
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I started playing darts with a friend and decided to buy my own darts as a step up, so I bought this set with my friend.
The set comes with several shafts and flights, so I think it's a good set for finding the right setting for me.
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I just started playing darts and bought this.
I was amazed at how much stuff came for this price.
This set is more than enough for someone just starting out!
I would have preferred a larger case as the case only holds the barrels.
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I just got started and bought this!
I think it's great for beginners because it comes with a lot of stuff right from the start!
The only problem is that you have to remove the flight to put it in the case that comes with it, so I think I'll buy a different case for that!
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I bought it because it was a great deal for a set of various items.
The weight is just right and I would like to practice with these darts!
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I'm a beginner and I'm glad that I was able to enjoy the different variations. I chose it because the price is not too expensive.
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I bought this to start playing darts for the first time in a long time.
I went to throw it the day I received it and was quite satisfied with the variety of flights and the easy to throw barrel.
If you are not sure what kind of darts you want to play, you might want to buy it.
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I asked a friend of mine if I could start playing darts.
I bought this set because it sounded like a great deal!
I was first surprised by the contents of this set, but then I realized that this is my first darts set.
I was surprised at the contents of this set, but my motivation is skyrocketing because it is my first darts set (lol).
I'm going to practice so that I can use it as soon as possible!
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