Scool Of Darts Spin-Off vol.3 's Japan Review


12 Reviews

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This series is very informative. Everything is good, but especially vol.3 was very good.

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I'd like you to see the whole collection, but if you're buying it as a one-off, I think vols. 2 and 3 are the richest in content. I think some people will recognize it when they hear it and some won't. I dare say it is a collection of hints.

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Simply put, it is a talk show hosted by KTM. Guests range from darts beginners to professionals.

It's easy to watch, so please do. It is very funny.

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I purchased this product from Esdarts.
It was interesting to hear a different perspective from what I usually feel when I play darts.

It doesn't contain any detailed techniques, but it is a very interesting book.
In the first place.
I thought it would be better to do it this way in the first place.
It is a work that is full of things that I think would be better to do in the first place.

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I think he has a deep understanding of darts from many angles.
I think it is best to learn darts from him.

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This is a spin-off DVD of Mr. KTM.'s School of Darts. leaving the basic part to the original, this one mainly explains the form and you will get various ideas on the details. Anyway, it is full of darts ideas and tips, and if you listen to it seriously, I am sure you will find something in it.

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Form Theory.
I found it helpful in the difference and correction of how I throw when I feel comfortable and when I feel uncomfortable.

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I bought it because I saw spin-offs 1 and 2 and thought I should watch 3 as well. Deep DVD for beginners

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It will be a learning experience for all.

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I'd love to see it as a return to the basics.

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