【PiD】Portrait in Darts 1 Mitsumasa Hoshino 's Japan Review
This is a darts DVD in which Hoshino's theory is developed rather than a general theory.
It is still a lecture, but each one is in depth, almost like a documentary.
This is interesting.
Even if you are not interested in Hoshino, you may enjoy it.
I am looking forward to the second installment!
12 people found this helpful
I received the product and watched it right away! I was able to study the beautiful form of my favorite player, Ms. Hoshino, and I think I will be able to get good at it........................ I recommend it to anyone who is thinking of purchasing it!
5 people found this helpful
It has arrived!
DVD of Mr. Hoshino that I like.
It is very informative.
2 people found this helpful
Any fan of Hoshino will want this product. I am sure it will be wonderfully made.
1 people found this helpful
I bought (pre-ordered) this DVD because my favorite darts player, Mr. Hoshino, is on it.
I am looking forward to receiving it.
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